hiee...Had bad mood this week...cause my guinea pig,minnie's three babys die in less then 1 week leh... damn sad lorh..left with one guinea pig now...still got exam coming next week, don't even know if can handle it...Only looking forward for my CCA,Chinese Dance practise!Hmmm...can't wait for CCA to resume....Arrgh! Sickening right? Anyway, please remember to tag me la...I need to fill my taggy box..Lols! Ok, its time to say sayonara le... Byebye!! Good luck for the upcoming exams.
Hi...sorry for not posting that day...as something crop up! Hope that you don't mind.
Hi!!Came to post finally...Did you miss me?today can't post too long,but don't worry..i will be posting twice today..Hahaha...Now having the boring computer mastery thingy,damn boring lorh!You know what? It's my brother 11th birthday,so excited about the birthday party...(Didn't even care about my brother,Never prepare any present for him, not even birthday card …haha...) I know I very bad, but who cares…He also never gives birthday presents...Can’t wait for the party lorh...Yum,yum... ...the birthday cake...Bye for now! See u later after the party. I will tell you more about it till you jealous....Hahaha...
Today came to post...Hahaha!!Nothing fun actually happen today larh...But posting anyway!Let me think, what should i write? ... ... ... OH! suddenly remember tomorrow got sickening health check & literature test.Sian...especially the test la.Teacher say must at least get 70+ or else have extra lesson..Diao..! Then the health check appear from nowhere lorh,damn it la.I hate it lo..Wonder if can don't go school tomorrow ..Of course...NOT?! I yesterday watch Death Note 2 leh..Shiok lo! Almost can't wake up today...Too bad for light-'kira' & so bad for 'L'...Never cried though..Hahaha!Everybody in class talking about it today, lucky never miss it!Today the cheng yu test again,yesterday then remember, hurry learn the next morning.Think i manage the test
HI !! Hope you love my blog. Let me tell you about my day ba...Early in the morning, leg pain and stomachache , all most fainted lo...Cause yesterday got chinese dance practise, stretched like hell leh.Then today still must go school.sian lo..Then first 2 period damn boring lorh!Almost slept ...Hahaha.After that is Maths,need do the test, almost can't finish lo.But finish in time.Then chinese, followed by Science. Then the sickening English came,lucky Mrs tan never come ... Hahaha! Finally, bellz ring le...Ring,ring......GO Home lorh! Then go home continue the unfinish project, so tired!Ok, that's the end of my boringgg day. Bye-Sayonara!!! Arigato gosaimas for spending time on my blog... Enjoy your day...see u in my Taggy box... =p
Konichiwa..!Today was not a good day for me..! I was pissed off in school by those irritating boys like.....The sickening Dimeng,scolded him the whole day long...so happy! Hahaha..Even hit him on his head hard, damn shiok lo! Beside this,the day was just so boring.Have assembly in the morning...then have literature...After that TPI arrived, no need to say the class is like wet market, as noisy as can be. Sian...Then RECESS came, I and Ruiying quickly get started with our english oral..And English was directly after recess!!! Damn scared!! When the bellz ring, we haven't even finish lorh.Quickly, we rush up to the room, started doing again.Teacher finally came up, i started feeling butterflies in my stomach. Eventually, my turn arrived. I walk up to the front with my wobbling leg, i feel that i can even fainted immediately. i quickly rushed through my speech,after that i feel more relax le.Then mother tongue,got my paper saw my marks,damn haapy. cause got 82 leh.Math lesson quite boring, just do a few wksht.History is next...find it quite ok.FINALLY?! Home Sweet Home! Oyasumi!! And Byebye <3.=p
Another damn boring day....staying in the house with my irritating siblings...Cannot even go out.. sian la...But guess wad..Today i woke up at 1.00pm,unbelieveable right..then saw my siblings playing computer,with the Television on..Then stomach started 'gru.gru.....'! Guess its hungry... Haha.Went to eat my lunch straight away,(Got brush teeth one orh)cause never have breakfast. Haha ...Have 3 bowls of rice leh. Yum,yum,yummy..!Then mummy came back from work,damn early...After she came back, do housechores of course!Use butt think also know...then have dinner and started posting then watch Tv....Bla and bla...And planning to stay up late today... haha, lols.Agee with me rite that it is boring right?Finally its time say Byebye and Oyasumi.See u next time...!!!
Hi..welcome to my NEW blog! so happy..of course?! its credits to Ruiying la. Diao..! Anyway,this's my first blog of my first new blog. hahax...ok! now is time for my day..!Ring..Ringg........Early in the morning,sickening alarm clock!? but didn't wake up though.lol.When i finally wake up,look at the clock..GOSH! Eyes almost pop out lo.. its was already 6.30am....believe it? Jump up of bed, brush my teeth..,change my cloths..,took my bag..,and wear my shoes......it actually took me 1/2 an hour!Omg..it seriously take 20mins to reach sch..and the damn bus-stop need my 5 min walk, can you believe it?anyway ,i did reach sch in time la.soooo lucky..hahaha. then flag raising.bla ..so boring lo.then went back to class.1st lesson;should be PE but the Mr lim choose the 'right' time not too come.. sad lo! no PE again..class like hell again, not even a relief cher lo..sian!Then CO lesson..sian..nobody want to listen lo,she still say have competition,damn her la..but anyway my group win leh..finally the 55 mins over,next recess....then maths,science,english(test somemore)
8th MARCH 1995!
Zodiac: Piggy
HOroscope: Pisces
Hotmail: angelfriend88@hotmail.com
CCA: Chinese Dance!
♡Jia li.Dancefriends
♡Miaoyu.Applepie Lawyer